4 Reasons Why We Love Winter Tree Planting

Planting trees now, in the late fall and into winter, is a wonderful idea. The timing is perfect and a new tree adds value and visual interest to your landscape. 

Here are four reasons why we love planting trees now. 

Less Stress In the cool of winter, trees and shrubs are under far less stress. This makes now the ideal time to install them in the landscape. Deciduous trees may have already dropped their leaves, making it easier to apply the light pruning that often accompanies a planting. And while some water is needed, far less is required in the fall during root production than in the spring when the tree is producing roots as well as leaves.

Improving Winter Interest The best time to improve upon your landscape’s winter interest is, well, when it’s winter. A design consultant will evaluate the landscape to find the ideal locations in which the addition of a tree or shrub will have the greatest impact in the winter as well as the summer garden.

Fewer Hazards Underfoot Don’t step there! How many times have we said that as gardeners? In the growing season, especially early spring when new plants are just below the surface, making it impossible to see their new growth, it’s easy to cause damage in the garden when installing new shrubs and trees. In the winter, however, when perennials have been cut back and plants are dormant, it’s far easier to walk about an established bed to plant a new tree.

Jump On Spring When starting a new garden bed, it’s important to focus on the structure, the bones of the garden. By planting the trees and shrubs in the winter- the structure is set and waiting, come spring, for the supporting characters- your perennials and annuals.


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